Scenic Designer

  • Contract / Stipend
  • Glenview
  • This position has been filled

Website oillamptheater Oil Lamp Theater


Oil Lamp Theater is seeking a Scenic Designer for our upcoming production of The Marvelous Wonderettes.

Rate: $800

Below are key dates in the production schedule:

Rehearsals Begin: April 8
Build/ Pre Tech: 5/5-5/30
Tech Rehearsals: Saturday, May 31, 10am-5pm, Sunday, June 1, 10am-5pm
Dress Rehearsals: June 2-4 from 6:00-10:30pm

Preview Night: Thursday, June 5th at 7:30pm
Opening Night: Friday, June 6th at 7:30pm
Public Close: Sunday, June 29, 3:00pm
Extension Close: by Sunday, July 20, 3:00pm

Strike: TBD Depending on Extension

If you are interested in applying fill out this link HERE

Instructions to Apply:

Follow link in description to submit.

Pay Rate/Range*: $800